
There are presently no open calls for submissions.

elementia is a literary arts magazine published by the Johnson County Library to represent and uplift young adults. Submissions must be original work. We welcome simultaneous submissions (things that you're sending elsewhere for consideration) and pieces that have been previously published (as long as you hold the publication rights).

Issue XXII Theme: Humanity

Across generations, distances and cultures, our humanity connects us. Despite this seemingly infinite connection, however, one of the most fundamental parts of being human is being unique. This dichotomy is at the crux of the human experience and something we have all shared. Tell us your stories: those of your unique human experience. Share with us the joys and pains that have been a part of your humanity. Speak on your relationships: those with family, friends, significant others. When have you felt most connected to other humans? Most distant? What makes you feel close to your own humanity? Tell us about the times you felt less than human, and when others convinced you that you were. Has humanity changed? Or will it? We seek expressions of your culture, traditions, mannerisms. Share your innermost thoughts and your outermost traits. What makes you unique? What makes you human?